Qué es el grupo

The PMQ research team organized inside the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) accounts for “Project Management and Quality”.

It looks to increase and manage the knowledge for different fields centering about managerial activities related to organizations and projects but also including dimensions like environmental and social performance.

Specific scientific involved areas are:

  • Project Management. Education and Training.
  • Construction Technology & Engineering.
  • Knowledge management & Information Technology.
  • Quality improvements.
  • Environmental and social Engineering.

Out of these vertical axes some other comprehensive initiatives are matter of interest as well for the research team. Those initiatives are like driving vectors for daily activities. In this category it is possible to highlight:

  • Professional Competences.
  • Corporate Lean Management and strategic management.
  • Business Intelligence and Data Science.
  • Building Physics. Sustainability.


The principal aim of our Project Management and Quality Research Group (PMQ) is to develop new and relevant understandings of the processes which lead to changes in organization’s lifestyles, behaviors and practices; and to offer evidence-based advice to decision makers and policy-makers about realistic strategies to encourage more sustainable paths to develop their missions.

The research group also aims to foster research in specialized domain data integration and management, agent-based management systems, and methods for intelligent decision systems as part of the organization decision making process.

Funding for the activities the research group undertakes come from the applications for funding of different project calls like EU research funds (different programs like, H2020, DG-HOME, RFCS, etc.) as well as National funded research projects. Even though such public funding sources are relevant, a really appreciated source of funding is the private funded projects as they allow us to develop short term actions focused on specific requests, which contribute to understand the real short term needs of the companies.


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