Relevant framework for social applications of internet of things by means of machine learning.

by Xiaochen Zheng
Relevant framework for social applications of internet of things by means of machine learning. (Xiaochen Zheng), PhD thesis, Industrial Engieering. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
           title = {Relevant framework for social applications of internet of things by means of machine learning.},
  	  school = {Industrial Engieering. Universidad Polit'ecnica de Madrid},
          author = {Xiaochen Zheng},
            year = {2019},
  	    type = {Tesis},
  	    note = {autor, Xiaochen Zheng,
 		    Advisors, Joaqu'in Ordieres Mer'e},
      university = {Universidad Polit'ecnica de Madrid, 
                    Programa DEGIN,
 		    Departamento de Ingenier'ia de 
		    Organizaci'on Administraci'on de Empresas y Estad'istica,
		    Universidad Polit'ecnica de Madrid}